Love Food, Love Radishes
Dining CenterAs a member of the brassica family, radishes are closely related to broccoli, kale, and cauliflower, and are a great source of fiber. The unique peppery flavor of radishes can […]
As a member of the brassica family, radishes are closely related to broccoli, kale, and cauliflower, and are a great source of fiber. The unique peppery flavor of radishes can […]
You are cordially invited to MAI E 'AI (come and eat) a wide range of foods with island flavors, sample some tasty beverages and enjoy a hang-loose vibe. We'll have […]
Since Mardi Gras fell during spring break, we're celebrating now! Chef Lachance and the culinary team will put you in a Mardi Gras mood with shrimp étouffée, jambalaya, red beans […]
Celebrate National Nutrition Month by following these three suggestions: 1. Aim to eat a fruit or vegetable at every meal, especially breakfast. 2. Think more plant-forward. Try to make vegetables half of your plate. 3. Vegetables may seem ordinary, but with little effort they can be transformed into an extraordinary dish. Your plate is a […]
Pierce Bros Coffee visits to offer a taste test of some of the new brews.
Get a steaming hot bowl of made from scratch chicken soup @kettles and celebrate National Chicken Soup Day! Fun Facts about Chicken Noodle Soup - Soup can be dated back […]
Celebrate all March birthdays. Those Emerson students born this month share a March birthday with Justin Bieber, Daniel Craig, best known for his role as James Bond, Country singer Carrie […]
Celebrates St. Patrick's Day in the Dining Center!
This month we'll honor 'bitterness' in dishes throughout the Dining Center. There are more than 1,000 different chemicals that elicit a bitter taste in our mouths. Our culinary team will […]
Spring is always great in Boston! So, no better way to bring in the better weather than celebrating the first day of Spring. The Emerson Dining team will kickoff this season with spring inspired dishes and desserts.
To celebrate we'll feature an extra special waffle bar with a wide range of toppings. See how creative you can get in making your waffle creation the best ever.
Join us in celebrating the unsung heroes of the farmworker rights movement