Farmworker Awareness Week (March 24-31)

Got food? Thank a farmworker! To put a face to the people who help bring food to our tables, we’ll be sharing portraits from the field in the café throughout the week to highlight farmworkers’ struggles and dreams.

Eat Local Challenge 2017: That’s Local?!?

Each year during the Eat Local Challenge, we serve a meal made entirely of foods grown within 150 miles of this café. This year you’re going to eat something you […]

Farmworker Awareness Week (March 24-31)

In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), Bon Appétit is dedicating its 2018 Farmworker Awareness Week promotion to highlighting the work of this groundbreaking […]

Meet the Dietitian

Dining Center

Meet with our Registered Dietitian in the DC to learn about how nutrition and well-being impact performance on stage, the classroom and the competitive field of play

Fall Kickoff

Dining Center

Come in and check out the NEW food stations. There will be tastings throughout the Dining Center

Meet the Dietitian

Dining Center

Meet with our Registered Dietitian to learn about how nutrition and well-being impact performance on stage, the classroom and the competitive field of play.

Stock Your Room

C-Store at the Max

10% Discount for purchases of $50 or more at the Max (cash and credit only). While you're there, check out the new menu of "Max & Cheese' entrees at the […]

Stone Fruit Fest

Dining Center

Check out a wide variety of locally sourced stone fruits in the Dining Center.